And the winner is…
“Regena said...
I just got an ipad for my birthday...the big 5-0, and i would love to make my little bit of electronic heaven personal!
Going to peruse their etsy shop now and plan for if I don't win.
21/3/12 10:36 AM”
Thank you so much, Regena, for entering this giveaway. Kati, of Daisy Decals will be contacting you to find out which decal you want!
Thanks again, to Kati, of Daisy Decals for this giveaway. Be sure to check out their shop and give them some love!
I love the feeling of slippery paint being pushed by a brush on canvas. The bumps of the canvas make me happy. Sometimes I will use a brush smaller than necessary to paint the canvas so I can feel the bumps and sliding of the paint longer.
It just may be a sickness, I’m afraid. Aren’t all those nooks and crannies awesome?
I’ve seen this saying floating around blog-land for a while and KNEW I had to have it in my home. I do have a mild obsession with houses so I had to put a house behind the saying. Also, I know usually you see this as subway art, but I’m not the subway art kind exactly. I like a handmade thing that looks a little imperfect. I am imperfect in a big way so this was more me than subway art.
I wanted to make some spider web throw pillows for my couch. When we moved, we purged a lot of things that now I’m wondering why we purged them. We had a 9 foot Christmas tree that never made it off the moving truck. Of course we didn’t figure it out until Christmas last year. I fear that some of our decorations didn’t make it to our new house either. All of our holiday decorations are quite …uhm lacking.
I had a lovely idea to make a string quilt block into a spider’s web. I made wider white strips and teeny colored strips.
The strips ended up being 1/4 of an inch. If you can imagine, when you put them together, there was quite a bit of bulk. I pressed them every way I could and still it just seemed a little bulky to me. My kids loved it though. I added a button spider to the web. Of course, those same sweet kids that love it, also told me that my or “Spee-I-der” is missing two legs.
I fussy cut another spider out and hung it on the back. The kids approved of that guy.
Since my first one was a bit too bulky to make me want to make another one just the same way, I decided to fussy cut the center spider in a hexagon shape. Then I did a kind of Log Cabin pattern.
I love the way this one came out!
Together, they are quite the pair!
How are you decorating for Halloween?