
Monday, February 7, 2011

Valentine Chips and Salsa

heart chips and salsa d
Every day for February I like to try and make our foods Valentine-y.  This is an absolute favorite of my children’s now!

Heart Shaped Salsa and Chips
heart chips and salsa a
I actually made 2 versions.  This is the first version.  
Salsa (really it’s more of a pico de gallo):
Diced Tomatoes                                     Fresh Cilantro
Diced Onion                                            Lemon Juice
Fresh Minced Garlic
  This is my favorite, go-to salsa to make.  However, I’ve been changing it up with a bit of a Texas Caviar twist to it by adding canned black beans, canned black eyed peas, corn, splash of red wine vinegar, and a little olive oil.  I’m trying to get more beans into our diet and this is a perfect way!  Over time I am also going to start adding red and green peppers (which my kids do not like).
heart chips and salsa b
This boy melts my heart!  Look at those adorable fingers, complete with bitten nails and dirty (stained from paint) fingers!  He downs these chips because they are so tasty!

Chips:  I use heart cookie cutters to cut different size hearts out of tortillas.  Then, I oil them and sprinkle salt on them (on both sides) and bake in the oven @350 for 5 minutes or until golden brown (on a large cookie sheet).  Make as big of a batch as you can because they wont last!
heart chips and salsa f
I used this salsa in burritos, too!  I just added roasted chicken and avocados.  Oh, heaven!  OK, who am I kidding, I put this in everything; a soup, on bread, and even straight up.  So yummy.
heart chips and salsa c
I put this in my children’s lunch with a dessert chips and salsa!  I saw this sweet fruit salsa with cinnamon chips on Our Best Bites and have been meaning to make it ever since I saw it.  It was worth the wait because it is tasty!
Fruit Salsa:
Kiwi                                    Strawberries
Blueberries                     Blackberries
Peaches                           Pears     
Raspberries                   Apples
Honey                             Granulated Sugar
Lime Juice
Dice up your fruit (you can use anything you want but these are my children’s favorite fruits) into small pieces.      Pour some honey and sprinkle a little granulated sugar on top and mix well (I keep this light because I paired it with highly cinnamon sugared chips).  I like to refrigerate this for a bit before serving.

Chips:  Cut out heart shapes out of tortillas, as with above chips. Brush melted butter onto heart shaped torillas and then sprinkle with cinnamon sugar (again on both sides).  Pop in the oven @350 for 5 minutes (or until golden brown).
These cinnamon sugar chips with the fruit salsa are heaven!!

I made three batches of these because the first batch went into lunches and didn’t get photographed (early morning=bad light and no extra time).  The second two batches just disappeared before I could take pictures! Winking smile  But yum, we enjoyed them!

PS The other day my Son got a taste of something that was very yummy.  Quick as can be he said, “Oh that tastes like HEAVEN!”.  So, yup, I do realize that I say things are heaven…a lot. Smile  But really, I think that description is pretty accurate for a lot of things.  Even that little boy of my is heaven.  I’ve only nibbled….

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