
Friday, February 4, 2011

Confessions for Super Bowl


I have a confession to make.  In my family we do not celebrate the Super Bowl by following the game.  We are having a Super Bowl Party at my Mom’s house but it is more about the food, the commercials, the half time show, and being together!  Although if you ask my daughter, she loves Super Bowl Sunday because of the Puppy Bowl.  We will probably play games during the game even.  I actually love sports.  But I’d rather be playing  them than watching them! 


Check out our post from a few years ago for Super Bowl Sunday fun.  I show how to make those football calzones.


We also show how to make your own pompons to cheer on your favorite team! 




PS  This year my daughter is going to her own party.  This is a first for us….choosing friends over family.  It’s ok, I’ll be strong. Winking smile


  1. Are those calzones?! They are super cute. I bet you are going to have a great Super Bowl Snack Fest this weekend!

  2. I can remember watching the very first Super Bowl. Ha! now Super Bowl is a National Holiday!

    The calzones look very festive! More creative that the usual fare - wings and drumsticks and such.

  3. These calzones are awesome! So dang cute. I'm with you on the Super bowl thing. It's all about the food and commercials =o)

  4. Such fun! My husband has been very busy in the kitchen today preparing our super bowl feast!
    The good food and commercials are my favorite part.
    Thanks for sharing.
