
Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Teacher appreciation week door sign

This week is Teacher appreciation week. I love doing little things over a week to show our teachers how we love them. Well I love making the things. But when it comes time to actually GIVING them to the teacher, I'm always so embarrassed. I don't know why. I guess I worry they will think it is silly.

You have no idea how I agonized over this one.

Before school last week, I took construction paper and traced the hands of the children in my son's classmates. I had them sign the middle of their hand too. A few weeks ago I asked the principal's seceretary if I could decorate the teacher's door. They don't do that here. I don't know why, but they don't. She seemed surprised to have such a request but asked the principal anyway. Yes, she thought it was a delightful idea. Really the school is like 12 years old and they don't do that here. Seems strange to me. I thought so last year too, but didn't get up enough nerve to ask.

Anyway I took the handprints and layered them on posterboard to sort of resemble a flower. I cut out some words and a flower pot and a stem and leaves. I added some real ribbon to the flower pot. I was careful to make sure each child's name was showing.

All weekend long I was worried...I'm not sure what I worried about. Right before school I remembered I needed to snap a picture. I tried not to show my kid's but they were holding it. So you see a bit of them anyway. And it is a little crooked.

But guess what? The teacher loved it and thanked the class for helping make it. Yay!


  1. Awesome! I love this idea. I wish I had had this idea a few weeks ago, so I could do that same thing. I don't think there is enough time left to do it for this week. Although, we get out of school for the summer, in just two weeks. I could probably finish it by then! Thanks for the idea! I just discovered your blog the other day, and I am totally enjoying it!

  2. I found your blog through another blog (now I can't remember which one but I think it was a craft blog) anyway I think your ideas for teacher appreciation week are excellent! Being a prior teacher, before I became a SAH Mom, I can tell you that whatever you do for the teacher, especially when it has the kids helping will be appreciated, no matter how silly, or simple you think it is! People like you make teaching more enjoyable

  3. I think it's fantastic! I worry about stuff like that too so you are not alone there. I always worry that someone will think my ideas are silly. But you know.. the thought and the care that goes into doing something like this touches people more than anything else. I think it's fantastic that you did this for her. HUGS!

  4. Very cute! As a former teacher I would have loved this!
    :) tina

  5. Forgot to add about the door thing--some fire departments consider that a fire hazard so the schools aren't allowed to have covered doors. And also if the doors have windows, they don't want the windows covered because it could open up problems if a teacher is accused of something,etc....that is just what they always told us when we taught. We were limited on how much we could have on the wall,too because of fire safety regulations. The fire dept. would come and inspect from time to time. Personally, I really liked to decorate my room so it was kinda a pain! :)

  6. This is incredible! I can't think of any teacher who wouldn't love this!

  7. You are amazing! I love that you took the time to trace hands, cut them out, make this beautiful door sign. I love teachers and know she feels so appreciated. Thanks for sharing this idea. I love it!!

  8. Wow! Thanks ladies for your nice comments. It was really a lot of fun to make this in secret without the teacher finding out;)

    Anjeanette (blushing)

  9. as a former teacher i would NEVER think this was silly and would be beyond thrilled to have received this awesome gift! Thanks for being so thoughtful to your kids' teachers!

  10. wow what an awesome idea! i was called in to help with teacher appreciation day and well all we did was cards...i think NEXT year i'm going to use your idea!! love it! hope your nerves got better! mine are finally doing good! ;)

  11. I agree- wierd that they don't decorate the doors. Every door at our school is decorated. Very basic but people are encouraged to write nice messages for the teacher on the paper. By week's end, its neat to see what students, parents, and faculty have said.
