
Monday, May 11, 2009

It is the little love notes.

We at Roots and Wings Co are all about sharing crafty ideas. But we also want to share traditions and family bonding ideas. This is one of my absolute favorites...notes.

I woke up on Mother's Day morning to some sweet notes on my wall. We have a few places where we typically leave the notes. Sometimes they are handwritten and decorated. Sometimes they are done up on the computer. It all depends on what the other person wanted to do. Right outside my bedroom door I saw this sweet note on my wall.

I turned to walk down the hall and this is just to show you perspective...the living room is on the left side and straight ahead was the note.My son went around for the longest time saying I was his favorite Mom in this room. He didn't want to offend any mother that could be in the next room;) This is the close up of the note at the end of that hall.

We leave notes for any reason. My son was in Kindergarten and my husband had been away on a business trip. He wrote this note all on his own. We love it so much that we have left it on the outside of our bedroom door. Again this funny shot is to show you kind of where it is (on the door into our bedroom).

Our 3 year old is having surgery today. We are going to have little notes all over the house for when he returns. It is such a simple thing to do and something we just adore.

My other son has a birthday on Wednesday. He will have notes up for that for sure. We do not have a designer home. We do however, have a home full of notes to each other, and decorated with things from our children.



Rebecca butting in here. ;) This is one of my favorite things that I learned from our family! Mom would usually have a note hanging from the dining room chandelier. The notes are for anything and everything. She really never forgot a thing! A short list of things to leave these notes for is; good grades, a new job, promotion, Birthday's, Holidays, End of School, Beginning of School, Just Because, Good Job at sports, awards, school recognitions, etc. One that is always done is when someone comes home. Even if we were just gone for a day or two, we would have a note welcoming us home. I love how it made me feel special to know that I was missed and thought about at home. I knew that even though we were from a somewhat large family (depends on your perspective), we were loved individually! We do it when people come to visit us ("Welcome Smith Family")! It's something so quick that you can do, and yet it's really affective in letting people know they are important to you! As Anjeanette stated, sometimes the kids decorate these themselves (or even write them themselves), some times they are computer made, sometimes they are long like a banner, etc.

As another option or variation to this, put the notes outside of the house. When my oldest daughter turned 1, Anjeanette came to my house and decorated up the front of it, all without me knowing. On the door was an adorable posterboard that she had made up that matched the theme of my daughter's Birthday. It was a pink castle. The large front door of the castle opened up to reveal an adorable, large picture of my daughter. There was a lot of time put into that poster. Then, she also had decorations along the walkway to the door to make it look like you were walking up the walkway to a castle. So, when Anjeanette's first Son turned 1, I did the same thing to her house. I made a poster, using the invitation to his party. He had a beach theme. The invitation was a hawaiian shirt. I made my poster so that it opened up to show a picture of her Son on the inside. We then made a fake beach scene in her front yard, complete with a cut up blue tarp for the ocean, a beach towel and beach umbrella. For my next child she made a beautiful poster, completely covered in glitter! She had taken the CUTEST picture of my daughter, for that poster!

Years ago my BFF surprised my daughter with notes, on her Birthday. She didn't tell me about it, so we had no clue who did it. At that time I lived across the street from my children's school. I walked with all the kids to go pick up my oldest daughter from school every day (she was the only one in school at that time). We headed out to get her and along our whole (short) route were these notes.

My daughter is an absolute animal lover! Even back then she LOVED dogs. So, the dog in the picture was inspired by this.
These notes were on every pole, and sometimes even 2 notes on one pole. At first I didn't think they could possibly be for my daughter, because I hadn't done them and knew nothing about it! Usually my BFF and I tell each other everything (especially fun stuff like this that we are doing) but she totally said nothing, and had to have done it in the middle of the day, so like on her lunch hour or something!

We called everyone we knew about it to figure out who did it. But at the time, I lived out of state from all of my family so I knew they couldn't have done it. Everyone said that they didn't do it. The mystery was half the fun of this. My daughter LOVED that it was out there for all the world to see, and that someone other than her own parents was in on the fun, too!

I, too, love the love notes!

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