
Saturday, May 9, 2009

Happy Mother's Day!!

Mother's Day has already started for us, here at RootsAndWingsCo. Some of the girls were able to get together in honor of Mother's Day. Unfortunately 2 of the crew ( at least the adult female crew) were unable to make it due to living out of town. We were able to gather Mom, Anjeanette, our oldest sister Melissa, and I. Since we were all getting together I threw together a bit of a pink picnic. I found these fun sodas that were in pink cans, even!
This was to be a bit of pampering for us Mom's. So, what is better then indulging in chocolate covered strawberries? I drizzled pink chocolate on top of the semi sweet chocolate coating! Everything had to be individually wrapped so we could each indulge while being pampered! I also included pink napkins and threw it all into a fantastic wire heart basket that has pink dangly jewels!
Did you guess what we did? Well, aren't those 4 of the cutest piggies around? Actually I guess that would be 20 of the cutest piggies! We will use the word "piggies" on this blog as we have found there are sickos that come to our blog if we use the actual word for this body part! Nice, right?! We all went for the French Pedi with a flower! Now I'll look so much better in my flip flops (which in Arizona are what we live in-year round!), especially for our upcoming vacation!

We laughed a ton, and were goofy, as we always are. OK, the reality is that some of us are goofier then others, but I will name no names. Nope, my lips are sealed (and so better everyone else's be!). It was fun to have us all do this at the same time, especially since our Mom has never had a pedi before. Seriously, can you believe it! Well, time for more truth here? It was only my second one, and my first was just last December. Um, I've had kind of bad luck and found them to be kind of painful. Blood and all. Yet, I would love to keep up with this kind of pampering! ;) Anjeanette and I were even able to talk the other 2 women into going out to dinner afterwards, to a new little Mexican restaurant that just opened up by us. Salsa and guac...enough said.

Last truth here. I knew I wanted to do this with the Mother's in my life. So, I asked my BFF (seriously, some time you guys have got to meet this woman! She's amazing and so talented) how to make it special. She's the one that came up with the food and drinks! Her idea was champagne (or sparkling juice) in champagne glasses though! She's is so brilliant! It was just what I was trying to come up with! I'm adding this part in here to remind everyone how easy it is to take a nice thing, and with just a few special touches, turn it into something so much nicer!

OK, now to the sappy part of this post. I have so many fantastic, over the top, Mother's in my life! I am so thankful to have them all in my life, and in my children's lives. I totally believe in that saying, "It takes a village..."! I am thankful for all those women that have helped shape me, and helped me and been a part of my life. I am just as thankful (if not more so) for the women that are doing the same in my children's lives. My children know that they've got an army of women that they can turn to if their ever in need. My children have so many wonderful women that do so much for them! I have been so blessed to have my Grandmother's in my life and now even in my children's lives. I have no words to convey how lucky I am to be my Mother's Daughter! Then, there are my sisters. In the word sister I include my Sister In Law and my BFF! All of these women are truly my best friends. Because of them I am never alone. I have examples of how to be a great Mother. I use my sisters as resources in this challenging job of being a Mom. I receive daily (most times many times daily) calls, texts, and emails from these wonderful women. We are truly going through life together and I am so thankful that I have them to lean on, to laugh with, and to enjoy my life with. I love you women more than I ever let you know!

And a quick word about being a Mother, myself! This means more to me than anything else in the world! I am so thankful for the opportunity to be along on the adventure of my children's lives. I am so humbled to be their Mother. They are such amazing beings and it is such a daunting and overwhelming task to be their Mother. It is one I will always do my best at. I am so very thankful to be a Mother and thankful for Mother's Day where I can reflect on how lucky I am!

I truly wish all of you super fantastic women out there in blogland, a very Happy Mother's Day! It is so great to have a place where we can support each other and learn from each other. It's a great community to be a part of.



  1. Sounds like you all had a fabulous day! I love the "pink picnic"!

    Happy Mother's Day!

  2. Right back at ya!!

    Love the pedi! Now I want one too! So glad you guys could pamper yourselves like that. You deserve it.


  3. It was great! Thanks Rebecca for hooking us up. I totally needed some silly girl time.


  4. http://www.papermoonies.blogspot.com10/5/09 12:38 AM

    how lovely a day you had.
    Well Happy Mothers day.
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