
Monday, March 21, 2011

Happy Spring!


So much fun to do in and for the garden right now!  I hung up sky chairs on my patio 2 weekends ago and have loved being in them while the kids are running around out back!  We’ve already had temperatures over 90 degrees, though you wouldn’t know it by the cold, wind, and rain we have today! Winking smile 


Anything I can do to get us to spend more time outside, is a great thing, in my book!  How about whipping up a Soda Can Butterfly Mobile?  Mine has lasted all year long.  I use it to deter birds from eating my strawberries.  It worked extraordinarily well for this purpose!  I did not lose ANY strawberries to the birds!  My sister lives a few miles away and lost all of her strawberries to the birds!  Oh and by the way, some of my strawberries just turned red over the weekend!  YAY Arizona Sun! 


I am so lucky to live in Arizona where we can be in our gardens all year round (and actually produce our own food almost the whole 12 months!)!  For most of the rest of you I am guessing your gardens are just getting going.  Last year I made my own garden boxes to try out some square foot gardening.  They were super easy to make!


Don’t forget to add ammendments to your soil!  This was the first year I had my own compost to add to my garden!  I’ve already got another batch of compost almost all ready to go!  It is ridiculous how much pleasure I get from making my own compost!  But I just love the thought of taking waste and making something wonderful with it!!  The fact that my garden thrives with it is just a win win!


For those of you that cannot get into your gardens yet, you could whip up a different kind of garden to get you in the mood!  I made this Polymer Clay Fairy Garden last year (and it has been outside all year long and even lasted just fine through the Arizona heat!).


I hope everyone else is enjoying the spring as well.  Though, from the news reports it appears many of you are actually getting snow today!  I hope you are all able to get into your gardens soon enough!


I’d love to hear what everyone else is growing.  This year I am growing everything I did last year, plus spaghetti squash, beets, colored carrots, watermelon, cantaloupe, broccoli, cauliflower, and some new lettuces.  I can’t wait to see how they all fare!




  1. My garden boxes haven't seen this much sun in 6 months! But they are reminding me that i planted perennials last fall - tiny shoots popping up. and my sweetie bought me a leaf blower/vacume so hopefully i can keep my gravel as lovely as yours! I love my pine trees but those pesky brown needles fall all over my gravel! Yuck.

    I think of you every time i am out there working.

  2. Great idea for the mobile!

