
Friday, January 28, 2011

I Love This!!


I just LOVE seeing people get inspiration from my ideas, and For The Love of Boys did this with a one day turn-around!  Seriously, that is fantastic!!   You just have to head over there and see her version, plus check out the rest of her cute blog! 


For The Love Of Boys was so quick to make her own version of my kids’ cardboard castle!  Isn’t her version so cute!?  These castles are perfect for those that just moved like she did (so they have the extra boxes) and with a room with nothing else in it! 


This is one reason I so love the bloggy world!  I get so many ideas from other people.  People put sooo much information out there to help each other out in every way! 

Loves to you all!


1 comment:

  1. Awe! You are too too sweet! Thanks for sending people my way. I just LOVE what you do over here! You AND your kiddos are super creative!
