
Wednesday, December 1, 2010

First Day of December Fun Ideas

first day of december christmas breakfast waffle whip cream a

Well, we started our month with waffles, whip cream, and Christmas Sprinkles for breakfast!  My kids were floored they got sugar for breakfast!  I’m strict when it comes to what my kids eat, that way when it is time to celebrate, I can let them splurge and know they will be ok! Winking smile 

I have about 9 different kinds of Christmas sprinkles so they got to pick their sprinkles on each of their waffles.

first day of december christmas pillowcase pj gift a

Once they left for school this morning I put their Christmas pillowcases on their beds,

first day of december christmas pillowcase pj gift b

along with a present,

first day of december christmas pillowcase pj gift c

that is new pajamas!


I love starting out each month with a little surprise for the kids that is usually planned around a theme for the month.  December is quite easy as it has Christmas in it.  By giving them these things today, they get to use them the whole month long!  I don’t usually give gifts but this month they all needed new pajamas so I thought it would be the perfect gift.


I hope everyone is having a great Holiday and remembering to take the time out to make special memories with those you love! 




  1. How sweet! Thanks for the ideas!

  2. I love the idea of giving them a Christmas pillowcase and new pajamas like that!!
