
Wednesday, June 24, 2009

License Plates To Decorate Bikes for 4th Of July Parades

I am so excited for our family carnival! It will be a neat tradition to pass on to our children. Growing up we would head over to our Uncle's house for a pancake breakfast (and more!) spread! We'd hang out with all the cousins, Aunts, Uncles, and of course our Grandparents. Then, we'd head over to the small town carnival that was held at the local park. It was so quaint. Then, we'd sit out front of our Great Uncle's house for the parade! I have so many fantastic memories of these days! I'm so glad we are bringing back this tradition.

This year we will be holding our own parade, with just the cousins in it. So, we are all getting together fun decorations for the bikes or scooters. I thought it would be really fun to have license plates for the bikes! I have 2 kinds that I went with. I made up some hard ones out of Shrinky Dink. Click here for some tips and directions for using Shrinky Dink. To make them the size that I wanted them to be, I had to only do 2 to a page. Here is a template for the license plate that I made up out of Shrinky Dink. Notice that the words have to be backwards. If you don't want to use it for a Shrinky Dink, you can just turn this backwards to have it going the right way.

I put the template underneath the Shrinky Dink and traced the words onto it.
I then rounded all the corners, punched star holes out of it at the top to be able to hang the license plates by, and colored each of them differently.
The above picture shows you the size difference. Along the top are the license plates that already shrunk. Under them is how big the shrinky dink was before I cooked it! That's why you will want to use a half sheet of shrinky dink, for each license plate, or they will end up too small!

I think my favorite one is the red and white striped one. I think these always turn out better with more color on them.
Here are 3 more templates for you to use. I have printed these out on white cardstock. I have also cut out mats for them out of red and blue paper, that are just larger than the white ones. At the party I am going to let each child pick one to color. Then, they can also pick a red or blue mat for it. The holes will be prepunched into them so that we can quickly tie them on and be ready to go.
You should be able to just click on any of these templates and then print them up. I think these would also turn out awesome to print directly onto red or blue paper.


We joined the fun and linked to the parties at:  ABC and 123,


  1. These are fabulous! I just saw an idea for bike license plates in a papercrafting book and I was thinking but what if they get wet? I love the idea of shrinky dinks!!! Thanks for providing all the cool options. These would be fun for everyday too.

  2. Great Post! Thanks for sharing such beautiful information with us.

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