
Monday, June 8, 2009

Formula Can Recycle-Done 2 Ways

Well, one of the benefits of Anjeanette's Son having EE is that she has an overabundance of formula cans. These are not huge cans like baby formula, but are not as small as canned veggies. So, we thought they'd be perfect for our One Thing 3 ways. Though we confused Katrina, so for now it's just 2 ways! ;)
For my version I used the formula can and sculpey clay and turned mine into a piggie bank of sorts. The Ice Cream Truck comes down our street randomly. He comes a couple of times a month. My kids usually hear him and ask if they can get some ice cream. So, I've been wanting to have a container to hold our change, just for the Ice Cream Truck.
I took the label off of the formula can and washed the can out. I rolled out some blue sculpey clay. I actually like to only have the basic colors, so that we have to mix to make our own colors. This part did take a lot of clay, however, I did make it an extremely thin layer! I thought blue was perfect for a summer thing because it makes me think of the sky and the water!
I also cut out a template of a double popsicle. These are my favorite kinds of popsicles and they so remind me of summer! I placed the template on top of yellow sculpey clay that I rolled out to about 1/4 in thickness. I used yellow because my favorite kind of popsicle is banana.
We love using Sculpey Clay. So, we have a ton of really cool tools to use with it. I just used one with a sharp end to cut out the yellow portion of the template.
Then, I made a very light brown color for the stick parts of the popsicle. I used the template again and cut out the sticks and attached them to the top part of the popsicle.
I love this ice cream cone! I made it the same way I did the popsicle. Except on the cone I drew in some extra details, making sure not to cut all the way through.

I layed both the finished popsicle and the ice cream on the covered can and cooked them for the required time (15 minutes in a 275 degree oven). I wasn't sure how well this would turn out because I baked it on the tin can. It didn't make any difference.
On the back side of the can I scratched in "Ice Cream Truck $", before I baked it!
And there you have a finished Ice Cream Truck $ bank. My kids are away for a night at Grandma and Grandpa's house and so this will be a surprise for them. Every time anyone has change, they are to put it in this bank. Then, the kids know they can spend what money is in the bank, and not to ask me for any money.


PS My templates are not my own and so I can't share them, but it would be easy to find your own online! ;)


Anjeanette here. I have almost one of these cans a day since my son is almost entirely on elemental formula. I hate to throw them away.

I need to find a different way to work with my son on his colors and shapes. My oldest son is very much a first born. My youngest son is more of a hands on kind of guy. I have all these file folder games from when my oldest son was a preschooler. But my current preschooler is not interested in them the same way. I thought this would be a fun way to still use the file folder games...but in a more game way than folder way.

I just love Carson Dellosa's file folder games. I remember my 1st grade teacher used C.D. type images in class and since then I've been hooked.

Years ago I scanned the book into my computer. I can't tell what specific book it was since it is now only residing on my computer. I took the images and played with them in Photoshop. Around the can it shows the clip art for each shape.

Then on the inside it has the manipulative pieces that went to the actual file folder game. They are laminated for long term use.
I'm hoping by thinking out of the box, that my son will be more interested in learning. I'm putting this in the game closet. Shhh don't tell him this isn't a game;)

Katrina here,
You can catch mine On Tuesday's post because mine wasn't ready in time to post with the rest.
Thanks for taking the time to come check out our blog. We love that there are so many of you that are regulars around here!! If you aren't a regular, we hope that you like what you see and come back soon. We love having the blog to display our crafts. It gives us a reason to keep crafting and coming up with new things. It has also brought the 3 of us in closer contact which is a good thing. I love getting to do these 3 way crafts with the girls because I am always surprised by how different our projects turn out when starting with the the item.


  1. So cute you guys!!!

    I got a little confuse on which 3 way project we were doing. One of the small problems with living 2.5 hours away from you guys. ;)

    These cans are like the small formula cans you can buy or like the 28oz size you can get tomato products in. (13 inches around and about 4-1/4 inches high)

    I will be posting what I do with mine at a later date.

  2. two really great ideas!!! Who wouldo f thought all of that will formula cans!?
