
Thursday, May 14, 2009

End Of School Recaps

I have been doing this for years. It is inspired by my Grandmother who, thankfully, did a version of this with all of us as we grew up. I call mine, "Yearly Milestones" and "Who Am I Updates"

This is the Yearly Milestones:I like to use this in a few different ways. One way is as a whole family recap. I just fill in the main things that we did during that month such as vacation to Utah, new baby being born, camping trips, weekend trips, etc. Then, I also have one for each child, for each year. I print them up at the beginning of the year. Then, I can just jot a quick note in as it happens. Some examples would be of the child getting a new tooth or losing one. For baby's this is a great way of filling in all of those "Firsts" milestones like rolling over, crawling, and walking. As my kids get older I am writing things like sleepover at Friend's house, Soccer, Art Lessons, Student of the Month, etc. I really love this as it's such a quick and easy way to have these things documented.

This is my "Who Am I" update.

I try to fill these out every couple of months. The Daily Routines section can be used for any misc or extra information that you want to have documented. One of my kids had her tonsils and adenoids out. I told about that information, in this section.

Both of these templates I actually have as excell worksheets. I do fill them into the computer and not by hand. Though, my Grandmother's version was done by hand and I kind of prefer seeing the handwriting as opposed to just a computer generated thing. However, as a handwritten thing, I just didn't get to it. So the ease of the computer helps me to actually stay on top of this!

I then keep all of these papers together in a 3 ring binder. So quick and easy, and I LOVE it!

Anjeanette jumping in here. I LOVE to look through my end of year re-caps that Grandma always had us do. I love to look at my handwriting and laugh. Thanks for the reminder Rebecca. My kids weren't old enough to ask these things before. Now is the perfect time to start them on this.



  1. Wonderful! Thank you! You make it easy!

  2. Great Idea! I think I shall start doing this! I'm linking so I can print these out and remember your idea!

  3. This is a great idea! I can't wait to use them.

  4. Visiting from SITS and am so glad I did.. what a great idea!! I can't wait to print these out and try them!! LOVE IT!!

  5. These are great, will have to use them! Thank you. : )

  6. Wow! What a wonderful idea! Thanks so much for sharing! Where were you 9 years ago, when my first baby was born? :-) I'm going to start this this month! Thanks so much for sharing!

  7. Oh I wish I had this when my kiddies were smaller...Have a great weekend...

  8. Wow, what a fun idea! I love this! I'll be linking.

  9. I really love this idea because it would be simple and quick to stick in a scrapbook or binder like you suggested. Off to print!!! :)
    Love ya!

  10. We do a favorites and milestones page for everybody on their birthday. It has been so great and funny to look back on even though mine are still really little and I 'should' remember all of those favorites. I love the month to month highlights page though. I think I'll be doing that. That will help with dating things while scrapbooking too!
