
Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Tuesdays With Dorie ~ 15 Minute Magic: Chocolate Amaretti Torte

Let me start by saying 15 minutes my butt!! I know. I am a silly one for actually thinking it could take me 15 minutes to make anything from this amazing baking book. But I really was hoping it really would take me just 15 minutes to throw it in the oven.

We had our family Easter on Saturday. Katrina and her boys, Rebecca and her family, our older sister and her boys and our folks all came over for some love. I had glanced over the recipe and thought how great that it would be a quick one.

The first problem I encountered was that I did not have almonds. I had just been to the store and yet missed that I didn't have any almonds. So the first delay of 45 minutes ensued while Katrina graciously went to the store to retrieve me some almonds. Whew! Thanks Katrina.

I whipped it up as quickly as possible but I had Easter to get ready for. It came out of the oven and then had to sit in the fridge for another 30 minutes. I was supposed to put it on a rack and then drizzle the chocolate glaze over it. But alas, I had no clean anything. I was making Easter. Clean dishes at this point in the game were hard to come by. So I just covered the torte in the sauce and let it sit all nice and cozy (still thinking of the ice cream cozy I made this weekend.)

It is very chocolate-y. I've stated it before, I'm not a huge chocolate fan. I know. Something must be wrong with me. The whipped topping was nice because it made it feel creamy and not just overload.

I tried it and it was delightful. Rebecca isn't a fan of nuts or fruit in dessert. But I think even she enjoyed it. I did think it was a bit of effort for something that was good. I'm just not that into chocolate.

Even still...while we were sitting at the table Katrina did this...

And I did this...

And suddenly, between all of us that thought it was delightful but not to die for, had eaten it...every last bite.

If you are looking for the recipe go here . And check out the TWD group to see the awesome creations everyone else came up with.



  1. I couldn't help it. It was sitting there calling to me! What is a gal suppose to do?

    In my defense I don't get to sample the Tuesday's with Dorie so I was making up for it. ;)

    Lets just say it was like sitting there sharing a pint of chocolate Amaretto-almond chunk icecream with chocolate sauce and lightly almond flavored whipped cream on top. And we didn't need a cozy!

    Don't act like the non-chocolate Lover didn't pick too! ;P~~

    If you like almonds and chocolate then you will like this. If you don't like almonds, try another Tuesday with Dorie recipe.

    My hips that you,

  2. sigh, i love chocolate. Going to have to make this.
