
Thursday, April 2, 2009

KitchenAid decor, or Pimp My Mixer!

So, my creative sister came up with such a great idea. She asked me to help her "pimp her mixer"! She (Anjeanette) wanted pink polka dots all over her mixer. I have the machine and software to do such a task. I thought the idea was so brilliant that I came up with some more ideas. Here's my first idea:

Some people might like a more simple design on their machine that would accessorize with the theme of their kitchen. Above you will see my single cherries sticker (meaning one sticker with 2 cherries).

Then, for those who want a complete makeover of their KitchenAid, I added 5 more double cherries.

The one on the side is a large, then I added 2 mediums and 3 smalls. These can be placed anywhere that you choose.

Here is another idea I have. I can change out the colors, but here is my all green Pear.
And here is my cupcake!

You can find these in our Etsy shop if your mixer is feeling a little...bare!


PS Thank you Anjeanette, for this really fun and original idea! I am so excited working on new designs for this.


  1. How fantastic, I totally would have this done to mine.

  2. I love makes me want to get one!! What machine are you using to make them??

  3. Super cute idea! First, I need to replace my KitchenAid. Lost it to Hurricane Gustav, and yes, 6 months later still no mixer! I'm going crazy!!!

  4. So are you going to be selling these? I would love to get my "tricked out".

    This is such a cute idea!

  5. Super cute. I need some.

  6. What a fun idea! You could also use scrapbook rub ons. :)

  7. Twinklescraps this one sure gets your imagination going, doesn't it. However, I'm not sure how well rub-ons would actually hold up. The heat and cleaning of the machine would easily ruin rub-ons or regular stickers. However, vinyl should hold up really well and can even be cleaned. Thank you for all your comments!

  8. Those cheery cherries! I love them!

  9. CUTE!! i was considering glittering mine till i thought about what that would do to the cookies.... your idea=MUCH better!
    ~misschell (also on etsy!!!)

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