
Tuesday, March 3, 2009

We want to welcome a new part of our Roots And Wings Co family

Anjeanette here.

Roots and Wings Co is a family thing. Rebecca and I are not the only crafty people in the family. The whole family is full of craftiness and traditions.

We want to welcome our Sister in Law Katrina to the blog. She will be sharing the postings with us. Katrina is married to our one and only Brother. We adore Brother. Our family has 4 sisters and one Brother. Katrina and Brother have two little boys and live south of us. Katrina brings to our group, specialties in gardening, adventures in science and all around fun craftiness! Of course, we all overlap on several things so I won't pigeon hole her entirely;) I don't want to be known only as the sister that sews. I do lots of other things too;)

Maybe I should let Katrina introduce herself. I'll skip out and let Katrina say hello.


Hi, I have been a part of this family for 13 years now. I couldn't have asked for a better fit. From just about day one I have been doing, talking and trading craft ideas with my Husbands family. I come from a family of do-it-yourself people. Where there is a will there is a way. Often times my boys are where my inspirations come from. I am honored that Anjeanette and Rebecca have asked me to join their family craft blog. I have been following this blog since day one and have been enjoying all of it. Being a part of a family that loves to craft is great because from one idea springs many more. I can't wait to get started and help to share all the great things about this family and our traditions.



Rebecca here:
I thought I should add my thoughts on this new change, as well! We have all just loved Katrina, from the beginning! She certainly did fit right into the family, even looking like us! She has brought fresh ideas and a new perspective into our family. I will forever be thankful to her tip on getting the bubbles out of chocolates in molds (this was for my wedding!)! I am sure she will bring her unique creativity to the table and you will all be happy to have her be a part of Roots And Wings Co! Over the years we've benefited from her creativity, warmth, and love of family. She is always so welcoming and fun! All 3 of us have very different family situations and so it will be fun to see what we all bring to the table! I am looking forward to this fun addition to our blog!


  1. you all are such a sweet family! Keep up the good work!

  2. Welcome, welcome! As many know- I tend to especially like people whose names begin with the letter K! And having met you in person, I also have first hand knowledge at how awesome and amazing you are! I am very excited about your addition and can't wait to see what you bring to the mix. YAY!

  3. Awwww. Thanks!! Your going to make me cry........

