
Tuesday, March 10, 2009

I am Lucky!

Something fun we like to do for St. Patrick's Day is kind of like the Thanksgiving Thankfuls. I print out clovers on green paper that say "I am lucky because:" Then we each get a few to fill out. It is such a simple thing to do. I'm always trying to reinforce with my kids how fortunate we are and that we have a lot to be thankful for. This was one from my husband last year. Love! He signed it "Daddy". He is very proud to be a Daddy.

To make it a little more fun, I print one big clover out that says our last name with O' before it. So if your last name is Miller, it would be O'Miller. So the big one would say something like "The O'Millers are LUCKY!"

It is so simple. But a great way to be thankful and a quick activity with the kids. Now print this out on green paper, have your family fill it out and upload a picture to our little flickr group

You will be glad you did it, and it can become something to do each year. Keep the clovers in a scrapbook and look back at past years to see why your family thought they were "Lucky" in years past.
Looking through my pictures from last year I also made Rice Krispy Treats but I used Lucky Charms instead of Rice Krispies. And of course, I added green food coloring.

This year we have to do non-food celebrations because our three year old is now being tube fed. So I'm not making this this year. But it was such a simple and fun thing, I thought I'd throw it out there.


I'm getting excited about making Corned Beef and Cabbage for St. Pat's Day meal. I have always wanted to try to make

Irish Soda Bread. It isn't like our kids enjoyed it last year anyway. I know one whole recipe of Corned Beef and Cabbage is more than enough for my husband and me. So I'll probably invite my parents over. Then I'll make something for the kids. If you don't like Corned Beef and Cabbage, maybe think about making your regular food green.

The first year I was dating my husband, my Mom made a whole Turkey dinner for St. Pat's Day. But, she turned everything but the turkey GREEN! I swear! I'm not kidding at all. This was probably the first holiday meal my then boyfriend had eaten with our family. It was so much fun and is something I'm sure he will always remember. Kind of an initiation into the family;)

My point is that I hope you do something different to make the day a little special. You don't have to go all out. But something as simple as putting green food coloring in the bottom of a cup and then pouring milk into it for the kids. Watching their eyes as their milk turns green. Or the night before, make everything in the fridge green, and say it was the Leprechaun's that did it.

Make it a tradition to do something. Give the kids something to look forward to. Make memories with your family for them to cherish forever.



  1. Thank you thank you! I cannot wait to do this with my son. You have the coolest blog!

  2. What a great idea, thanks so much for sharing! I'll be linking.

  3. I love this idea! We are SO doing this as a family next week...thanks for sharing!

  4. HI! I saw your name over on Susie H's blog and had to stop by--my "blogger name" is proudgrits11 and I call my blog "Roots & Wings." I heard the quote on Designing Women back in the 80s and have loved it ever since! I grew up in Florida, the deep South part--where I grew my roots. But moving to Arizona 11 years ago is when I found my wings!! In fact, the day before I moved west with my folks was St. Patrick's Day and I got a cactus tattoo to commemorate my fresh start and clean slate--so St. Patty's day is a sort of "anniversary!" I host Bunco every March and do the St. Pat's thing WAY up--I'm so excited!
    Great to have found you!!

  5. I LOVE corned beef and cabbage. It must be the Irish in me. :)

    Thanks for coming by, Happy St. Pattys to you!

  6. Hi.
    I'm just passing by from SITS!
    I enjoyed reading your post.

  7. What great ideas! I am definitely going to print out those clover leaves and do that with the kids. Very cute!

  8. I love the lucky clover thing. I try to do something similar a few times per year. Its a good FUN way for my kids to remember how fortunate they are. What they come up with can also be the start of a good family conversation.

  9. I like the lucky clover idea too. Sounds like something simple and fun we could try around here too.

    I work with students who are tube fed, and we still cook every week. I've made rice krispie treats with Lucky Charms with them, because it is something very sensory that they can participate in. But I realize that it isn't fun for one if the other kids are eating.

  10. Hi, Thanks so much for these awesome free printables. I’ve featured you on my blog today:

    I hope you’ll stop by sometime. If you are interested grab my featured button from the top left side of my blog. Cheers!
