
Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Just taking a moment to say thank you!

Wow! What a quick ride this has been. Rebecca and I put this little blog up as a way to share what we have always done. We thought a good kick off would be 14 days of Valentine's Day craft ideas. It has been so much fun getting things up every day. Rebecca and I have had a hard time not doing a zillion ideas each day. And now that we are getting to the end of the 14 days we are trying to pick whose idea gets posted. So much fun!

But what is even more fun is feeling the love. We thought readers of my personal blog would read the crafty blog. And we thought we would pick up a few stragglers along the way. For kicks and giggles I decided to submit one of my little tutorials to One Pretty Thing. I visit that site all the time. She has the nicest things on there. Rebecca and I were delighted when we heard back from her. Rachel is so sweet! Go check out One Pretty Thing right now if you have never seen it before.

We got some love from my childhood friend Melanie. She linked us on her Valentine's Day idea page. Have you seen Sugardoodle yet? It is a huge resource. Melanie is the neatest person you will ever meet. I knew her as a kid and this site is so right up her alley. She is probably the most creative person I've ever met. Please make sure you check out for great inspiration.

We have had some mentions to our blog from other countries and some other crafty sites here as well. So much fun.

This morning, while checking A Beautiful Mess, I saw my picture. It was right there on her site. This can't be real! I LOVE A Beautiful Mess! I have been familiar with Elsie since I saw her stuff in scrapbook magazines years ago. She is so fun and funky and hip. All those things that I'm afraid I missed the boat on...well except maybe fun. I think I'm still fun. Thank you so much Elsie for showing interest in out little project today!. This is so exciting for us!

What you may not be aware of is how great a little escape this has been for me. It is fun talking with Rebecca daily about what we are going to do next. It is fun reading comments. We LOVE comments! And it has been a nice escape for me. Right now my son is having issues with food allergies. It is so much fun coming here to see who has linked us up, and read all the comments.

Thank you so much for all your love. We hope we can keep you returning.



  1. Aww thanks so much for the shout-out! I'm so glad you started a blog, it's such a beautiful and creative space you have here!

  2. Can I just say that the two of you are making me feel lazy. All the crazy amounts of stuff you come up with. I am also finding out just how much Jim didn't tell me about growing up in your house. All these little traditions Nana had going. Apparently what I knew of was just a drop in the bucket. I feel like such a slacker. I am so glad that you new blog is taking off. Flying so to speak. I hope your Etsy stores do just as well.
