
Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Summer Fun With Books


Every summer I hold summer school/summer camp for my children.  I want it to be so much fun, and be educational!  Here is a list I am gathering of fun for us to do, with books!

The above button is for Alison, from Oopsey Daisy’s Summer Camp which is a summer camp all about books!  Go check it out! 

Next up are my two favorite sites for crafty fun:


Dltk has a great section covering crafts to go along with books!


Starfall is absolutely a great go-to site for reading fun!  My kids have used this site for years and this year both of my younger two kids’ teachers recommended using this site for extra reading help at home! 


Ok, one more of my favorite go-to sites is the Scholastic website! It has so many fun activities for enjoying reading as well as fun activities that incorporate reading with other subjects!


Sara of Super Saving Sense gets crafty with the kids: bringing one of their favorite books to life with a display.


How about activity books?  Pragmatic Mom got a bunch of Klutz Activity books.


Oh my word, if I could only go to this arts festival!  Maybe you have one near you this summer!? Playing by the Book has many great ideas for book fun on her website.  She is the correspondent for this festival and has already started posting about it!  Go here for information from the festival!


What about a Festival of Illustration?  Check out your local events to see if you have something similar going on around you this summer!


I am a sucker for a great reading list.  Check out Babble’s list!  It is full of action packed books to keep readers interested!!


Here is a book blog tour that looks like so much fun, from KidzBookBuzz!


Please share any summer book fun that you have going on!!




  1. I designed a special tote bag for all those summer trips to the library! It has an outer pocket that looks like a monster mouth, and a secret inner pocket (also monstrous) designed to hold your library card. Lots of fun!

  2. Thanks for all the inspiration!! looking forward to a summer of books here too!

  3. Looks like a fun summer of reading at your house.
    I believe you can never read to many books!

  4. I am loving your blog. I have been jumping from craft idea to craft idea till I am deliriously lost but happy! Looking forward to finding the time to try a few!

  5. Rebecca, thank you so much for featuring one of our projects on your blog! What a great post, I am always looking for things to do with the kids.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Do you have any ideas for sites for pre-readers? My preschool son is showing signs of reading readiness but is going through a do-it-myself phase where he abhors being taught anything. But he loves to play computer...

  8. Dang, I am so late I'm embarrassed! I am a bit behind with blog reading :) But thank you SO much for the shout-out my friend. So appreciate you!!
